Get involved

It’s time for a change.

It’s time to talk about eating disorders openly, to bust the myths that surround them, and bring hope and help to sufferers and carers. Recovery is possible and you can be part of the story!

donate-to-tastelife  Donate

There is no other eating disorder charity that helps both sufferers and carers in the way that we do. The pandemic has led to more people struggling with unhealthy relationships with food; your gift of compassion ensures we continue to help as many people as possible.


Run-a-course-tastelife-uk Run a course

You are needed. We meet so many people who are desperate for help, want to go on a tastelife course but as yet there is not one near them.


concerned-icon Fundraising

If you are up for some creative fund-raising, the more imaginative the better, then we want to hear from you!


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