Our Community Recovery Course
Through teaching, discussion, stories of recovery and tools for life, our unique Recovery Course has been successfully helping individuals and families break free from the grip of eating disorders for more than ten years
The Course is for anyone who believes they have an eating disorder because issues around eating have taken over their life. You don’t have to have an ‘official’ diagnosis to come. It doesn’t matter what sort of eating disorder you have either – this course is for you.
The tastelife Course was created by two mums who have been through eating disorders in their families. It has as much in it for parents, friends and family as it does for those directly affected. If that’s you, come with or without the person you are concerned about.

Why not travel the recovery journey together?
The course will offer you a toolkit of resources that you can use to start walking out of eating issues and back into enjoying life again, baby step by baby step. The tastelife course is not a cure or therapy, but it is a safe place for learning and growing together. Full recovery from eating disorders is possible! We have seen it and we work with people who are either fully recovered or well on their way.
We believe in new beginnings and starting where you are. We know it isn’t all about food. There is a way out, and the tastelife course helps you to look forward to a time when eating, or not eating, is no longer holding you in its grip. The intention is that you can take hold of life in all its fullness, tasting food and enjoying it without fear, wherever you are and whoever you are with.
The cost of the course is £49 per person. If money is an issue please email us at hello@tastelifeuk.org.
The course was accredited by the University of Brighton Health Sciences, and awarded their coveted REQ Mark. It is now endorsed by OCN London (Open College Network). It is run by our trained and accredited volunteers.
What to expect
You are welcome! The tastelife Recovery Course welcomes anyone directly affected by eating disorders, along with those caring for them, such as family and friends. The 8 sessions are offered either in person at a variety of locations across the country, or online via a group video. Each session lasts for 2 hours with a short comfort break. Between 8 and 12 people attend each Course with accredited, trained leaders delivering the content and facilitating the discussion and interaction times, providing a safe, non-judgemental space for all to learn and grow.
Each session focuses on a particular topic, for example how food gets linked to feelings, or the influence of self-image and addiction, and is a mixture of stories of teaching, discussion, stories of recovery, and tools for life. There are opportunities for everyone to reflect individually, within smaller groups or within the whole group. Participants can share as much or as little as they like, but we will encourage everyone to get involved, whether you are directly affected by eating issues, or a friend or family member.
While we do ask that participants on online Courses all attend with their cameras on, we want everyone to feel comfortable, so talk to us if that is an issue for you. However, we do find that the best discussions and reflections happen when everyone can see those they’re talking to.
At tastelife, we also try to have fun along the journey of recovery. We know that eating disorders can be all consuming, and part of walking into recovery is beginning to enjoy ourselves again, and find the joy in our relationships with other people. Throughout the course we’ll have moments to laugh together alongside everything else.
We would love to welcome you to the tastelife Recovery Course. We recognise that it is a brave thing to do, so if you have more questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will support you all the way. When you sign up for a Course, via Eventbrite, you will be sent a confirmation email. The leaders of the course shall then get in touch to give you some more information and answer any further questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there and hope the course will give you understanding, help, and the tools and knowledge to recover.
We have provided some FAQs about the Course here.
If you don’t see an answer to your question then please Contact us here
Yes, please do! Any form of disordered eating, whether a full blown eating disorder or not, needs to be addressed before it gets out of control. tastelife will help you to understand the causes of your difficulties around food and help you to get to grips with them.
No, most definitely not! At tastelife we welcome people with all eating disorders and you are very unlikely to feel out of place.
The founders of tastelife had children affected by eating disorders themselves, so know how difficult and frightening it is to watch your child suffer from something which is so hard to understand. You will find it enlightening and comforting to meet other carers in the same situation. While all the course sessions are relevant to you, one focuses specifically on the carer’s point of view.
Everyone under the age of 18 has to be accompanied by an adult. This could be someone other than your parents who knows you really well as long as they are over 18 and will commit to coming on the course with you every week. However, if you can manage to admit your problems, there is no doubt that the road to recovery is far easier when your parents begin to understand what you are going through and how to help you get better.
If you are currently counseling someone with an eating disorder, we can make an occasional exception but we would prefer you use one of our day courses for professionals as CPD or come on our residential training to lead the tastelife course in your area.
We know it is more unusual for men to suffer from eating disorders, but it is sadly becoming more common particularly amongst sports enthusiasts. We have had male sufferers who have found it very helpful, since the material is equally appropriate for them. In addition, we often have fathers, partners or boyfriends who are concerned for someone with an eating disorder so you are unlikely to be the only man.